"Let the words of my mouth, and the meditations of my heart be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my Strength, and my Redeemer." Psalm 19:14

Whale Evolution 1

Whale Evolution 2

Thursday, July 03, 2008

Stress Test

I was looking forward to a summer of the beach and planning
a wedding. Also, of course, planning lessons for next year -
in Biology and Mathematics a Human Endeavor (both new for me
this year) in addition to Chemistry and Physical Science (both
of which I've done for so long now I have them well mapped out
by now!).

About mid-June I noticed my ankles were swollen. We were heading
to the beach so I ignored them for the time being. When we
returned my mother saw them and said, "Those ankles look just like
mine did right before my heart attack!". She had my full attention.
I went to the family doctor the next week - planning on just getting
a nice diuretic to get rid of the extra fluid.
But, no, he starts asking all kinds of questions starting with had I
noticed any chest pain (No.). Am I fatigued a lot? (Yes). Do I get
short of breathe? (I said no but now that I think about it - maybe.)
THEN he asked about family history. I told him my mother had five bypasses
and a heart attack at age 69 and that did it. Next thing I know he's
taking blood, doing a chest x-ray and and EKG. When the results came
back - well, I am now headed for a Stress test Monday..and an Echocardiogram.
I don't need a test to tell someone I have Stress.

Anyway, I went to my ministry Prayer coffee this morning. When it came time
for personal prayer requests I still had not said anything about all of this.
And then other ladies started in on their requests - ALL of which involved
increasingly horrible heart stories. From a bad result of a resting stress
test (which I thought sounded good - resting! - but I find out you do NOT want
to do a RESTING stress test at all) to a horrible heart surgery. My pulse
was kinda going through the roof by the time it got to me so I just said, "Well
I'm having a Stress Test Monday." You could have heard a pin drop.
My dear friend said, "FOR YOUR HEART?" (And I then wondered if there WAS
a Stress test for Stress?). I am afraid I snorted. I had to spend some time
assuring everyone I feel fine and the swelling has gone down (he did give me
a mild diuretic!).

SO, I'll post more after Monday! If I survive!


Cynthia said...

I hope you're feeling better SOON and that all is well with the stress test.

Lisa in Jax said...

I'll be praying for you! Let us know how it goes.

Those twins are adorable! I can't believe how big they are. Whew! Time goes so fast lately.

Jodi said...

Praying for good results on Monday.

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

You know you're in my prayers...disregard any snarky teasing remarks to the contrary. LOL

Linda said...

Praying for a good result, Chris.