"Let the words of my mouth, and the meditations of my heart be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my Strength, and my Redeemer." Psalm 19:14

Whale Evolution 1

Whale Evolution 2

Sunday, August 17, 2008

The Wedding

Meet Amy and Matthew Reed.

The Wedding was absolutely wonderful - beautiful. Stunning. And I'm not a bit prejudiced. It was a fairytale wedding. Amy planned the reception decorations (I'll post photos of those sometime soon) and we followed her directions and they were beautiful. The ceremony is so meaningful and the Cathedral was full of friends from near and far.

We have many new friends now too! The Reeds are wonderful people and we are a complete family. Darcy thought it was all wonderful. (The twins were another story but they were too young to understand! although they loved the lights and the dance floor!).

Mandii didn't go into complete labor (she is on her way and if Isaac doesn't make his appearance before Tuesday the will do a C-Section and he WILL be born this week!). At one point during the wedding Duane and I were both a bit more focused on her than on Amy though when she abruptly sat down with an "ooh". (I think we laid hands on her and began praying!).

What fun - I spent more time visiting than taking photos I fear.
But photos will be up (professional ones) at
http://www.pictage.com/520019 at some point.

smiles, Chris


Linda said...

Congrats to all of you. Can't wait to see all the pics!

berrypatch said...

Congrats to all! I can't wait to see more photos! :-)

Jodi said...

WOW that's all I can say, they look so happy and it IS like a fairytale! Congratulatiins to Mr. and Mrs. Reed!!!!!

Diann said...

Congratulations! What beautiful wedding pictures. I can't wait to see more. It's been so fun to follow along through this whole process and see Amy looking so incredibly lovely!

Paula said...

Aahh...I just got back from my little sister's wedding, so I'm in a real sappy mood. The pictures are beautiful. I really enjoyed reading your explanation of the ceremony. Congratulations!